
アメリカで以前、sofar musicという企業が音楽家を搾取していた問題が浮上した時に偉大なDrummer、Antonio Sanchezが仰っていた言葉

MUSICIANS: You work hard on your craft like any other professional.(他の分野同様、音楽家も自分の作品に対し努力をしている)

You invest hundreds of hours on your instrument, yet it’s very easy to feel worthless if you consider your resumé to be unimpressive.

There are a lot of “musician friendly” people and businesses out there that will always try to make you feel like they’re doing you a favor by letting you perform.

We all have to pay our dues when we’re coming up on the scene but a very important thing we all need is the ability to know when we’re being abused.

When you sell yourself short you’re not only hurting yourself, but you’re hurting the whole industry by lowering the bar for the way musician’s worth is perceived.

This only perpetuates the perception that music should be nothing short of free; either when performing it or when consuming it online.(これは音楽がオンラインで消費されたり、生演奏の場合など、それが無料で当たり前という考え方を人々に永久的に植え付けてしまう)

Be smart. Know your worth.

Remember that one of the most important words you’ll ever use in the music industry is NO.

Thank You Great Antonio Sanchez



