Casey Neistat

  1. Give zero fucks what people think.
  2. Always ask yourself: “Am I living the life the I want?” Constantly evaluate where you are in life to make sure you are heading towards the direction you want.
  3. “Without a goal, you can’t score” is an awesome quote because it is true (quote is from Johan Cruyff).
  4. Your biggest success in life can be your biggest failure at the same time.
  5. It’s ok to break up and get back together.
  6. You can get back together more than once.
  7. Running a marathon without proper training results in a beatdown.
  8. Find your passion in life. When you’ve found out what that is—spend the rest of your life working on your passion.
  9. Decide what you think are the most important things in life. Then, prioritize your life according to those things.
  10. Take selfies with strangers.
  11. Go to bed when you’ve finished work—not earlier.
  12. Success is not a destination.
  13. Commit to your commitments.
  14. When you get bullied, success is the best revenge. Always remember the kids who bully you are losers and will remain losers.
  15. You never ‘make’ it. There is no end goal in life so you should enjoy the journey.
  16. Don’t get bored. Ever.
  17. Weekends are NOT for shopping.
  18. Keep a backlog of things you want or have to do. When you run out of tasks, pick one from your backlog.
  19. Get out of the city every weekend.
  20. Family and work are the most important things in life.
  21. Never get comfortable.
  22. If you want to get back together—surprise your girlfriend by replacing the AC unit in her apartment.
  23. Don’t be a slave to praise.
  24. Run. Every day.
  25. Do more work.
  26. Haters are losers.
  27. When you give a gift to your girlfriend or wife, you need to take three factors into consideration. First, your gift needs to generate a smile plus a swoon. Second, you want a shock and awe response. Third, you really have to surprise her. Only when you have all three factors right, you will get the highest appreciation that you can receive: she says, “good job.”
  28. Bring a skateboard when you travel.
  29. Film your life—you are the director, actor, producer.
  30. Be nice to people. It’s not cool when people are unfriendly.
  31. Bad times are not here to stay. Everything will pass, so will bad times.
  32. Challenge everything in life. Never accept the norm.
  33. Don’t try to fit it—you will be unhappy when you try to be something you are not.



