- Give zero fucks what people think.
- Always ask yourself: “Am I living the life the I want?” Constantly evaluate where you are in life to make sure you are heading towards the direction you want.
- “Without a goal, you can’t score” is an awesome quote because it is true (quote is from Johan Cruyff).
- Your biggest success in life can be your biggest failure at the same time.
- It’s ok to break up and get back together.
- You can get back together more than once.
- Running a marathon without proper training results in a beatdown.
- Find your passion in life. When you’ve found out what that is—spend the rest of your life working on your passion.
- Decide what you think are the most important things in life. Then, prioritize your life according to those things.
- Take selfies with strangers.
- Go to bed when you’ve finished work—not earlier.
- Success is not a destination.
- Commit to your commitments.
- When you get bullied, success is the best revenge. Always remember the kids who bully you are losers and will remain losers.
- You never ‘make’ it. There is no end goal in life so you should enjoy the journey.
- Don’t get bored. Ever.
- Weekends are NOT for shopping.
- Keep a backlog of things you want or have to do. When you run out of tasks, pick one from your backlog.
- Get out of the city every weekend.
- Family and work are the most important things in life.
- Never get comfortable.
- If you want to get back together—surprise your girlfriend by replacing the AC unit in her apartment.
- Don’t be a slave to praise.
- Run. Every day.
- Do more work.
- Haters are losers.
- When you give a gift to your girlfriend or wife, you need to take three factors into consideration. First, your gift needs to generate a smile plus a swoon. Second, you want a shock and awe response. Third, you really have to surprise her. Only when you have all three factors right, you will get the highest appreciation that you can receive: she says, “good job.”
- Bring a skateboard when you travel.
- Film your life—you are the director, actor, producer.
- Be nice to people. It’s not cool when people are unfriendly.
- Bad times are not here to stay. Everything will pass, so will bad times.
- Challenge everything in life. Never accept the norm.
- Don’t try to fit it—you will be unhappy when you try to be something you are not.
Casey Neistat